This is porridge with a difference. Created specifically to support bone health.
Osteoporosis can be prevented and bone strength supported by incorporating the right ingredients into your meals. You will find yourself being more consistent in positive dietary changes when the recipes you choose taste amazingly good. So here is my special porridge for strong bones:
The best porridge I ever had was inspired by a hotel breakfast smorgasbord in Tel Aviv, Israel. I didn’t realise quite how seriously the Israeli people love their food and cooking, which I have to say rivals the French cuisine. We were staying at the Beth Shalom and Relax, where they welcomed us with a cup of hot apple spiced tea on arrival.
This porridge recipe could also just as easily be called something else, as it contains a few certain key ingredients you wouldn’t normally associate with an old fashioned Oliver Twist style porridge.

Foods Rich in Calcium, Zinc, Magnesium and Vitamin C
All the ingredients in this recipe have high amounts of calcium, zinc, magnesium, vitamin C and many other nutrients which our bones need. The base mixture for this porridge can be made up in a large bowl and then stored in a cereal container. Use however much you want.
Base Mixture:
- Oats (whole-grain, organic) forms the bulk of the mixture
- 3/4 cup of Pepitas (pumpkin seeds)
- 3/4 cup of Walnuts broken into halves or quarters
- 1/2 cup of Chia seeds
- Optional: sunflower seeds
Other ingredients each morning can vary slightly by season and by whether you want one, two or more in the bowl:
- cherries
- bananas
- blueberries
- raspberries
- strawberries
- 1/2 packham pear in chunks
- seedless red or black grapes cut in halves

Osteoporosis specific ingredient which is tasteless:
- Nutra Organics Collagen Body for Bone Strength and Structure (1 heaped desertspoon)
- Made from hydrolysed collagen peptides, Fortibone bioactive collagen peptides, Azqumine Marine Minerals (Arctic Sea Algae), Vitamin D from white button mushrooms and Calcium.
- Dissolves in any liquid, hot or cold without adding any flavour.
- Supports gut wellness
To bring it all together:
- 1 dessertspoon of Melrose Flaxseed oil
- 3 dessertspoons of plain yoghurt
- 1 dessertspoon of raspberry syrup or alternatives include maple syrup, honey or a different fruit syrup.
- Hot water! Yes, after you have mixed it altogether, pour on about 1/4 to 1/2 cup of recently boiled water. Mix it all up and let it sit while you make a cup of tea or coffee. By the time you have done that, your beautiful nourishing porridge will be ready. The hot water just takes the chill out and soaks the oats enough without cooking them. If you prefer milk or other kinds of milk you can easily switch it around. If you want a thicker consistency, just make your porridge earlier and let it sit for a longer period of time. If you want it to be more like a hot cooked porridge, you can. Just make it on the stove, all the same ingredients, still yummy! It is the kind of recipe you can adapt to warm or cold weather, it is so delicious every single time and while you might think this is too much work in the morning, it really doesn’t take long at all. You have the base mixture done, one or two fruits, the final powder and liquid ingredients and you’re done.

A final word on Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis can be managed well by actively changing your behaviour and mindset to prevent further deterioration of your bones. You can strengthen the bone structure you still have in tact and improve your balance with muscle strengthening activity. The actions you take right now can make a world of difference.
I find that habits are easily created if they are enjoyable. Eating is a part of our everyday life, so by making it delicious while at the same time addressing your issue, is actually like finding the silver lining in your diagnosis. You might not have bothered to make the effort before.
The next habit you need to add is any kind of regular exercise which has a weight-bearing element to it. Don’t underestimate the benefits of going for a good walk. Be aware that certain movements, exercises or stretches can place strain on your spine and hips. It’s worth speaking to a specialist or doctor in the area of human movement who can point you in the right direction, particularly if your osteoporosis is advanced.
Enjoy your new and improved porridge, medicine in a bowl!